July 9, 2010

Typical failure of laptops and their removal

So in the case of notebooks: there are the typical rules of operation, as well as the typical symptoms that indicate about any problems with your laptop.

Let's start with the necessary operating rules Notebook:

1. We do not recommend to eat, and afterwards enjoy various drinks at work with a laptop, because liquids to get inside the laptop, at best, will cost you to work on dismantling and cleaning the keyboard (which is about 2000 rubles), and at worst is over replacing the motherboard, which is half the cost of the laptop.

2. Like any equipment, do not put your laptop in place under the constant direct sunlight.

3. When you carry your laptop is desirable to use special bags, briefcases and backpacks, with proof, compact walls, because Any vibration or shock can lead to very serious and costly consequences.

4. Because our service center is engaged in repair laptops for a long time, and our master saw all, we want to warn you about the behavior of the animals, which in retaliation for the brutality owners have a habit to relieve themselves on your favorite laptop keyboard ....:)) - Aftermath of most cases - replace the motherboard. Note that the case is very common!

5. Since in our country, power failures are not uncommon, especially in winter, and to slight voltage deviation from the provisions of 220, we even got used to the laptop - a special case, and get used to that sort of thing to them is difficult. So, feed your machine, as a minimum, a surge protector, and even better through a device called the UPS. In the storm Always unplug the laptop from the network, using just the battery.

6. Do not leave your laptop in the zone of reach of young children!

7. In the event of any fault, do not trust disassemble the laptop and attempt to repair the non-professionals, remember, after the repair of the illiterate and inexperienced intervention without professional equipment and tools, will cost you twice as much!

Now let's talk about the typical signs of failure and methods to address them:

1. If your notebook screen was dimly lit, and the picture is visible is very bad, or it was one color (red shade), then there is a backlight failure. In this case, your laptop will need either to repair the inverter, for which only the professional knowledge of electronics, extensive experience and highly qualified staff, either to replace a backlight, the matrix, because These lamps are very thin and fragile and may shatter upon impact. Also, a backlight may be damaged due to oxidation of the cathodes. Replacing the backlight quite thin, precise and painstaking work that can not be done at home, because completely disassembled the entire matrix, which need special equipment, experienced hands and professionalism. Repair and replacement of the matrix laptop can produce specialists ASP-Service.

2. If the image on the laptop screen was constantly flashing, this indicates a possible malfunction of the controller board of the matrix, or in derogation of the matrix plume.

3. If after a stroke on the screen appeared thin vertical or horizontal color bars, then this is the first sign of a bundle of glass at the junction with decoders. In this case the laptop needs a complete replacement of the matrix.

4. If you are working with a laptop you hear a repeating click inside the laptop, it indicates the beginning of failure of the hard disk, so hurry to keep all the valuable information on other media, because soon you will have to change the hard disk.

5. If you are working with a laptop, it became very hot, it may be the consequence of a number of malfunctions, such as:

- Clogging the cooling system;

- Failure of internal memory, processor

- Failure of the individual parts board RAM.

It is necessary to diagnosis laptop and identifying the cause of heating.

6. If the battery life started to decrease and reached 5 - 15 minutes, and the total discharge-charge the battery situation has not changed, it is a clear sign of failure of the battery, which can either replace the new one, or can be repaired.

To diagnose and repair laptop can be in the company's ASP-Service.

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