July 9, 2010

American Express aims to deliver Intercoms premises using Cisco technology

Company American Express Business Travel and Cisco have agreed to use solutions American Express Business Travel to the organization of virtual meetings (virtual meetings eXpert, vmX) in a public negotiation rooms with the use of technology Cisco TelePresence. Under this agreement, corporate customers will now be offered consulting services for virtual meetings. This will help them choose the best format to work together "face to face", using public facilities bargaining Cisco TelePresence, as well as promote widespread dissemination of private-owned companies to the negotiating systems. Cisco TelePresence provides technology transfer full-size images of each participant in a virtual meeting with high resolution and surround sound designed that creates a feeling of personal contact with people who actually located in other cities and countries. Public Cisco TelePresence rooms negotiating give easy access to organizations, travelers to remote employees or business partners, facilitating communication and collaboration of colleagues, customers and partners. With the support of Cisco Public Cisco TelePresence rooms negotiation provided the growing ecosystem of partners in major international business center. Such negotiation rooms are open, for example, hotel chains Marriott International (served by AT & T), a Starwood hotel chains and Taj (there are meeting rooms serve the company Tata Communications) and the Singapore Hotel Rendezvous. "As the proliferation of video technology company radically changed ways of doing business, moving to the new format work with customers and partners. Cisco TelePresence technology in the heart of these changes - said Mark Uaydik (Mark Weidick), vice president and general manager of the traffic exchange TelePresence, Cisco. - Negotiation premises Cisco TelePresence - both private and public - are changing the principles of interaction and collaboration of organizations, being a natural complement to the arsenal of the most discerning business travelers. "Virtual meetings are winning greater recognition of enterprises of various scales, and therefore it is essential to offer customers a network of meeting rooms for video so they can include a virtual meeting in a common program of visits and negotiations - said senior vice president of American Express Business Travel Lisa Durocher (Lisa Durocher). - Company Cisco - the leading provider of technology and means of telepresence. We are very pleased with the choice of negotiating public spaces Cisco TelePresence as a complement to our own decision. Our ultimate goal is to tell customers how to optimize virtual meetings. By combining access to both public and private negotiating rooms TelePresence, virtual meetings eXpert solution offers companies an expanded feature set of virtual meetings in which to conduct business negotiations, while saving considerable money for travel. Currently, the platform vmX available in the department of pre-order American Express Business Travel, and purchase online would be in 2011. Announced last year vmX platform represents a unique proprietary solution, which serves for the distribution and aggregation of public and private means of intra telepresence. Virtual meetings eXpert - a comprehensive solution for virtual meetings, which not only provides the necessary material resources, technology and equipped with facilities for virtual interaction, but also offers customers a planning tool to help you make the choice between virtual and face to face with regard to factors such as cost, duration trip, the purpose of the meeting, the impact on the environment and a number of other criteria. About Cisco Cisco, the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and work together, this year celebrates 25 years of successful activity in the area of technological innovation and social responsibility. Information about Cisco and ongoing news sites www.cisco.ru and www.cisco.com. Cisco, logo, Cisco, Cisco Systems and the Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. in the U.S. and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

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