September 6, 2011

Dota 2 - How To Play Right Now, Absolutely Free Of Charge?

It all started in 2005, when a young man, known for all under the nickname IceFrog opened the map editor of Warcraft 3 and began to create the map under the name of Defense of the Ancients(abbreviated as Dota, that in translation means "the Protection of the Ancient"). The idea of the game was this: the player has the choice of character, but only one, which has 4 of its magic or abilities that you need to pump together with the level of the character. The maximum level in the game - 25, receive it, as a rule, the most persistent and clever players. On average, the whole match last 40-60 minutes, in the championships is much more. For this time the player will have to cross the 6 things which are more suitable for his character(though this doesn't always work - often you have been missing out on the gold, for this you need to fight with other people and to win them, receiving for each of the defeated 220 gold, also, gold is given and for the murder of "creep", in other words simple mobs, that is not living players. Creeps in turn appear once in 30 seconds, with each wave they become stronger.
And now, in 2009, the corporation Valve takes the developers IceFrog'and start joint work on the already self-game Dota 2. In 2011, October 13, Valve announced the game. The game has not changed much, the basic which was affected by: graphics, interface, connection problems, реконнект(the ability to enter and exit the game directly in battle), total dependence on Steam.
Just recently become aware of the fact that you can play a game of Dota 2 on Steam, absolutely free! ! ! How to do this?
For starters, you need to register in the Steam. You can do this on the official site of the developer. Then click on the big banner on the main page with the inscription Dota 2.

Next, You'll be on the site, you can view information and trailers, scroll down the page and you'll find the window with the image of red orc.

Press the button "Sign in through STEAM" and come from the Steam account and you will be notified of the fact that you can play when anything is known about the promotion of you in the queue.

Good luck in the games, and the most important thing in life.

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